Cards in Mr Football represent players, known by their nickname at the club. Their primary classification is their on-field positions to be placed in a particular slot in the teamsheet. They also have a range of attributes related to both physical and mental capabilities.
Each player starts with a fitness level of 1%. Fitness can be thought of as a replacement for levels in an RPG, as it can be upgraded all the way to 100% through playing matches, completing journeys or using trainer tokens. Fitness does not degrade from games, except temporarily in the Iron Man mode. Upgrading fitness also requires fitting equipment to each player to raise their tiers, which start at 1-50% and then every ten points to the full 100%.
All players have heights and weights. While they don’t directly impact the game, they do show up in traits as Tall and Small. Players also have a region and state of origin, used in the Origin mode.
At the end of each season, some full-upgraded player cards may be eligible to be elevated to Legends, a special status which means they can participate exclusively in Faction activities.