
Here are the rules for which play leads to which, in short:

  • A successful chain from a stoppage in defence is ruck => pack => rebound => spread => lead => set shot.
  • A successful chain from a stoppage in midfield is ruck => pack => spread => lead => set shot.
  • A successful chain from a stoppage in attack is ruck => pack => crumb => snap.
  • Rebounds out of defence happen after an unsuccessful lead or crumb by the opposition, or a successful ruck or pack play in defence.
  • Unsuccessful spreads in midfield can lead to turnovers, which also happen in midfield and can result in further turnover plays.
  • The crumb => snap combo can also happen after an unsuccessful rebound by the opposition.
  • Snaps can also happen on multi-bypass results from various plays in attack or midfield.
  • A roll of 24 or more (after bonus) in most plays results in an automatic goal without having to roll for a snap or set shot.