
Many traits are used for qualification for events or journeys, but others are active in matches. Specifically, #tall is used instead of Strength at centre bounce Ruck contests by players with height greater than 189cm, and #small helps to Baulk for those shorter than 180cm.

There are also a wide range of traits that modify the outcomes of 4d6 dice rolls in contests: Bonus and Burden traits add or subtract from the dice result; Floor and Ceiling traits raise or lower the maximum result; Rout traits ensure an auto-win in a contest while Concede traits assure a loss (unless both players have them); and Block traits prevent bypass results while still allowing the opposition to win the immediate contest. There is a different trait of each of the above types applied to each ability and talent, plus Bonus and Burden traits for stalemate results in contests, Junktime, Fatigue, Knock and Injury rolls.

Modifier traits apply both to the pre-match rolls and the contest rolls, making them extremely powerful, especially if they are levelled up. Bonus, Burden, Floor and Ceiling traits can have three levels denoted by a plus sign at the end, so that a level 1 Sturdy trait is shows as #sturdy while at level 2 it is #sturdy+ and level 3 is #sturdy++. Some traits do not appear on any player’s starting card, but may be applied temporarily in-match as an effect in certain modes or appear on the cards of opponent players in PvE modes to modify their power.