
Matches in Mr Football are affected by the conditions in which they are played, both the nature of the turf the players run out on as well as what is happening in the sky above.

Each team has a home ground which has different bonuses or penalties. There is one set of modifiers for certain rolls that both teams have to play through, plus a home ground advantage that only the home team enjoys. However, if the away team also has that ground as their home they also enjoy that advantage. This also applies if the away team’s home ground shares the same origin as the ground the match is played on. These modifiers apply all through the match.

Also, each match is played in a set of weather conditions. There are three aspects to weather: temperature, rain and wind. They each have nine settings, which are randomised before the start of the game and then possibly twisted one way or the other at breaks. The more extreme settings of cold, heat, rain, humidity and breeze favouring one end lead to bonuses or penalties to certain rolls.