Each player has a position code corresponding to the slots on field they can fill.
- Rucks play mostly in the Ruck (RK) position, with a backup possible in the INT1 slot;
- Full backs (FB), centre half backs (CHB), full forwards (FF) and centre half forwards (CHF) are the key position players who qualify for the slots of the same name, plus one of the nearby pocket positions; Key utilities (KU) qualify for all the same slots as key position players, plus they can act as a backup ruck in the INT1 slot;
- Half backs (HB) and half forwards qualify for the flank and pocket slots, plus the backs for INT2 and forwards for INT4; Back pockets (BP) and forward pockets qualify for the pocket slots, plus the same bench spots as above;
- Balanced midfielders (BM) can play in any midfield spot plus the INT3 bench slot; Inside midfielders (IM) can play in the two rover spots plus the INT3 bench slot; Outside midfielders (IM) can play in the two rover spots plus the INT3 bench slot;
- Utilities (UT) qualify for the same on-field and bench slots as half backs, half forwards and midfielders.